holi festival wikipedia indonesia holi and dhuleti 2025

Holi atau Festival Warna adalah festival awal musim semi yang dirayakan di India, Nepal, Bangladesh, dan negara-negara berikut yang memiliki penduduk beragama Hindu: Suriname, Guyana, Afrika Selatan, Trinidad, Britania Raya, Indonesia, [1] Mauritius, dan Fiji. The Holi festival is an ancient Hindu festival with its own cultural rituals which emerged before the Gupta period. [8] The festival of colours finds mentioned in numerous scriptures, such as in works like Jaimini's Purva Mimamsa Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras with even more detailed descriptions in ancient texts like the Narada Purana and Tahun ini, Perayaan Holi juga dilaksanakan di Indonesia oleh India Club Jakarta yang bekerja sama dengan JNICC atau Jawaharlal Nehru Indian Culture yang berperan mewujudkan hubungan budaya antara India dan Indonesia. Dalam rangka Holi Festival dan merayakan 75 tahun hubungan diplomasi antara India dan Indonesia, digelarlah sebuah perayaan di Holi merupakan festival Hindu yang menandai awal musim semi yang dirayakan di seluruh India. Holi merupakan festival kuno yang konon terispirasi dari sebuah puisi yang disusun pada abad ke-4. Holi bahkan bahkan dikisahkan secara rinci dalam sebuah drama Sanskerta pada abad ke-7 bertajuk "Ratnavali”, yang ditulis oleh kaisar India Harsha. Festival Malioboro, Yogyakarta (June) [2] Festival Danau Toba, North Sumatra (June–July) Bali Arts Festival (Festival Seni Bali), Bali (June) [5] Jakarta anniversary festivals (June 22): Jakarnaval; Kemang Festival; Solo Batik Carnival, Surakarta (end of June) July Betawi Cultural Festival, Jakarta; Pasa Harau Art & Culture Festival, Harau Holi atau Festival Warna adalah festival awal musim semi yang dirayakan di India, Nepal, Bangladesh, dan negara-negara berikut yang memiliki penduduk beragama Hindu: Suriname, Guyana, Afrika Selatan, Trinidad, Britania Raya, Indonesia, Mauritius, dan Fiji. Selain di India, festival Holi juga dirayakan di Nepal, Bangladesh, dan negara-negara yang mayoritas penduduknya menganut Hindu. Tak ketinggalan juga negara-negara seperti Suriname, Guyana, Afrika Selatan, Trinidad, Britania Raya, Indonesia, Mauritius, dan Fiji, meskipun euforianya tidak sebesar di India. Di Benggala Barat dan Bangladesh The indigenous peoples of the Indonesian Archipelago believed in animism and dynamism, practices commonly shared among many tribal peoples around the world.In the case of the first Indonesians, they especially venerated and revered ancestral spirits; they developed a belief that certain individuals’ spiritual energy may inhabit (or be reincarnated in) various natural objects, beings and List of dates for other years. Upcoming holidays in Indonesia. Holidays in Indonesia 2025. Holidays in Indonesia 2026. Holi (Dolyatra, Doul Jatra, Basanta-Utsav) is the Hindu festival colors that celebrates the triumph of good over evil, good harvest, and fertility. Holi is the festival of colours. It is celebrated with colors to mark the victory of virtue and goodness over evil. The festival is celebrated for two days. The 2nd day, Rang Panchami marks the closing day of the Holi festival. People are seen with different varieties of colors on Holi. They put colors on each other, sing, dance. The Holi festival is an ancient Hindu festival with its own cultural rituals which emerged before the Gupta period. [7] The festival of colours finds mentioned in numerous scriptures, such as in works like Jaimini's Purva Mimamsa Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras with even more detailed descriptions in ancient texts like the Narada Purana and Bhavishya Purana. Deskripsi: The projected over 80,000 attendants at the 2013 Festival of Colors! In the back is Sri Radha Krishna Temple Spanish Fork, Utah, United States Holi hindularning muqaddas qadimiy anʼanasi boʻlib, Hindiston va Nepalning koʻplab shtatlarida boshqa mamlakatlarda mintaqaviy bayramlar bilan nishonlanadi. Bu hindularga ham, hindu boʻlmaganlarga ham bir-birlariga rangli suv va kukun otish orqali boshqa odamlar bilan quvnoq hazillashish imkoniyatini beradigan madaniy bayramdir. Holi jaia, baita Koloreen Festa eta Maitasunaren Jaialdia izenekin ezaguna, hinduek, sikhek eta beste herriek ospatzen duten festa da. Jatorriz Indian , Nepalen , Sri Lankan ospatzen dute, [ 1 ] baita ere herrialde horien migrazio handia dauden tokietan, esaterako, Surinamen , Guyanan , Hegoafrikan , Trinidad eta Tobago , Erresuma Batuan , AEBn Holi ist eines der ältesten Feste Indiens. [2] Es beginnt ungefähr vierzig Tage nach Vasant Panchami, dem Fest für die Göttin Sarasvati und für die Ankunft des Frühlings (Ende Januar oder Anfang Februar). L'Holi è spesso celebrato all'avvicinarsi dell'equinozio di primavera in un giorno di plenilunio. La data del festival, quindi, non è fissa ma varia ogni anno a seconda del calendario induista e del calendario gregoriano. Simile ad un carnevale, l'Holi celebra inoltre l'uccisione dell'orca Holika, demone descritto nei Veda. [1]. A Holi Festival with Radha - Krishna and Gopis English: Holi , an important Hindu festival, celebrated by Hindus all over the world, around Phagun Purnima according to Hindu calendar. This is also called festival of colors. Holi, sau Holli (în sanscrită होली), este un festival al primăverii sărbătorit de hinduși, sikh și alte religii. Este ținut în principal în India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, [1] și în țări cu diasporă indiană semnificativă, cum ar fi Surinam, Guyana, Africa de Sud, Trinidad, Regatul Unit, Statele Unite, Mauritius și Fiji. În statele indiene Bengalul de Vest și Orissa, este Fejring af Holi. Holi (hindi: होली) er en religiøs forårsfestival fejret af hinduer.Den fejres primært i Indien, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal [1] og lande med store indiske diaspora-befolkninger, der følger hinduismen, såsom Surinam, Malaysia, Guyana, Sydafrika, Trinidad, Storbritannien, USA, Mauritius og Fiji. Holi (sánscrito: होली) é un festival da primavera tamén coñecido como "Festival das cores" ou "Festival do amor". [ 1 ] É un antigo festival relixioso hindú que se fixo tamén moi popular entre os non hindús doutras partes do sur de Asia , así como entre persoas doutras comunidades fóra de Asia.

holi festival wikipedia indonesia holi and dhuleti 2025
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