The Holi festival is an ancient Hindu festival with its own cultural rituals which emerged before the Gupta period. [8] The festival of colours finds mentioned in numerous scriptures, such as in works like Jaimini's Purva Mimamsa Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras with even more detailed descriptions in ancient texts like the Narada Purana and Holi is the festival of colours. It is celebrated with colors to mark the victory of virtue and goodness over evil. The festival is celebrated for two days. The 2nd day, Rang Panchami marks the closing day of the Holi festival. People are seen with different varieties of colors on Holi. They put colors on each other, sing, dance. Holi is a Hindu spring festival celebrated in India and Nepal on the full-moon day of Phalguna (February–March). On this day, participants throw colored water and colored powders on one another, and the usual societal norms are set aside. Holi’s traditions vary throughout the country and have their roots in Indian mythology. In many places the festival is associated with the legend of Hiranyakashipu, a demon king in ancient India. Hiranyakashipu enlisted the help of his sister, Holika, to kill his son, Prahlada, a devoted worshipper of Vishnu . März 2016 Holi in Pushkar, Rajasthan Holi in Rom . Mit Holi wird das Fest hauptsächlich in Nordindien und Nepal bezeichnet, in anderen Landesteilen ist es unter anderen Namen bekannt. In Maharashtra heißt es beispielsweise Shimga , in Goa Shigmo , in Madhya Pradesh Phaga , in Westbengalen und Oriya Dol Yatra . The second day of Holi is called Rangwali Holi, Dhulandi, Dhulandi, Phagwah or Badi Holi. This is the day when people apply colours to one another, party and enjoy. Children and youngsters play in groups with dry colours called abir or gulal, pichkaris (water guns), water balloons filled with coloured solutions and other creative things. You Holi, often called the "festival of colors," is a vibrant Hindu celebration that marks spring’s arrival, the triumph of good over evil, and the love between Radha and Krishna. Holi bonfire on Holi eve in Delhi, 2012. Holika Dahan (Sanskrit: होलिका दहन, romanized: Holikā Dahana, lit. 'Burning of Holika'), rendered Holika Dahanam in Sanskrit or Chotti Holi, is a Hindu festival in which a bonfire is lit to celebrate the burning of the demoness, Holika [2] This ritual is symbolic of victory of good over evil. [3] Holi həmçinin dini bir məqsədə sahibdir, bu məqsəd Holika əfsanəsi ilə simvolik olaraq göstərilir. Holi gecəsindən əvvəl, Holika Dahan (Holikanın yandırılması) və ya Kiçik Holi adlanan mərasimdə odun alovlanır. İnsanlar ocaqların ətrafında toplaşır, mahnılar oxuyur və rəqs edirlər. El festival de Holi ha capturado la fascinación de los comerciantes europeos y personal colonial británico en el siglo XVII. Varias ediciones antiguas de Oxford Inglés Diccionario mencionan, pero con diferentes grafías, derivados fonéticamente: Houly (1687), Hooly (1698), Huli (1789), Hohlee (1809) , Hoolee (1825) y de Holi en ediciones Die Holi Festival of Colours Tour ist eine Reihe an Musikveranstaltungen, die in verschiedenen Ländern stattfindet. Die Konzerte sind inspiriert vom Holi -Frühlingsfest und basieren auf dem farbigen Pulver, welches ebendieses ausmacht. Holi, sau Holli (în sanscrită होली), este un festival al primăverii sărbătorit de hinduși, sikh și alte religii. Este ținut în principal în India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, [1] și în țări cu diasporă indiană semnificativă, cum ar fi Surinam, Guyana, Africa de Sud, Trinidad, Regatul Unit, Statele Unite, Mauritius și Fiji. În statele indiene Bengalul de Vest și Orissa, este Holi atau Festival Warna adalah festival awal musim semi yang dirayakan di India, Nepal, Bangladesh, dan negara-negara berikut yang memiliki penduduk beragama Hindu: Suriname, Guyana, Afrika Selatan, Trinidad, Britania Raya, Indonesia, [1] Mauritius, dan Fiji. Holi, popüler bir antik Hindu bahar festivali. [1] [2] [3] Festival, iyiliğin kötülüğe karşı zaferini, sevgiyi ve bağışlayıcılığı temsil eder.[4] [5] Hindistan'da ortaya çıkmış festival ağırlıklı olarak bu bölgede kutlanır ancak aynı zamanda Hint yarımadası diasporası aracılığıyla Asya'nın ve Batı dünyasının diğer bölgelerine de yayılmıştır. Holi ou Festival das Cores é um festival realizado na Índia e em alguns outros lugares todos os anos entre fevereiro e março, que comemora a chegada da Primavera. Neste dia, as pessoas atiram tintas das mais diversas cores umas às outras, com muita bebida , comida e música . Holi (även Phalgunotsava eller "färgernas fest") är en hinduisk vårfest. [1] Den infinner sig i allmänhet under två dagar, vid den fullmåne som inträffar mellan mitten av februari och mitten av mars månad. The Holi festival is an ancient Hindu festival with its own cultural rituals which emerged before the Gupta period. [7] The festival of colours finds mentioned in numerous scriptures, such as in works like Jaimini's Purva Mimamsa Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras with even more detailed descriptions in ancient texts like the Narada Purana and Bhavishya Purana. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirect page Kumauni or Kumaoni Holi is the historical and cultural celebration of the Hindu festival of Holi in the region of Kumaon, India.It is one of the most important festivals for the Kumauni people as it signifies not only the victory of good over evil but also end of the winter season and the start of the new sowing season which holds great importance for this agricultural community of the North Holi, també anomenat la Festa dels Colors, és una festivitat primaveral celebrada per hindús, sikhs i altres. Es pot trobar principalment a l'Índia, el Nepal, Sri Lanka [1] i en països amb una important població d'indis, com Surinam, Guyana, Sud-àfrica, Trinitat i Tobago, el Regne Unit, els Estats Units, Maurici i Fiji.
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