best option to go aligarh from ghaziabad on holi bengali holi video 2025

There are 3 weekly trains from Ghaziabad to Aligarh. Following trains are running from Ghaziabad to Aligarh on a weekly basis: FARKKA EXPRESS (13414) , FARAKKA EXP (13484) , ANVT MAU EXP (15026) etc. Book Now There are 25 trains from GHAZIABAD (GZB) to ALIGARH JN (ALJN) Railway Station. Check Availability, Prediction, Wailtlist Confirmation Chances and Fare Calculator for trains running from GHAZIABAD (GZB) to ALIGARH JN (ALJN) Railway Station. The first train from Ghaziabad to Aligarh Jn leaves at 06:42 hrs from Ghaziabad. The fastest train from Ghaziabad to Aligarh Jn is the Seemanchal Express which covers a distance of 105 kilometres in approximately 1 Hours 10 Minutes. It takes approximately 3 hours to reach Aligarh from Ghaziabad by Train. What is the cheapest way to reach Aligarh from Ghaziabad? The cheapest way to reach Aligarh from Ghaziabad is by Train. Book Ghaziabad to Aligarh train tickets online on ixigo. Check 31 trains from Ghaziabad to Aligarh with ticket price, seat availability, arrival & departure timetable. The fastest train from Ghaziabad to Aligarh Jn is Anand Vihar Terminal Jogbani SEEMANCHAL EXPRESS (12488) departs at 08.39 and train runs daily. It covers the distance of 106km in 01.01 hrs. There are 25 direct trains from Ghaziabad Junction to Aligarh Junction which includes 20 daily trains, 1 biweekly train and 2 triweekly trains. Every day train departs from Ghaziabad Junction to Aligarh Junction. Schedule, timetable and ticket fare of 25 Ghaziabad Junction Aligarh Junction [GZB - ALJN] trains. 39 Long-Distance trains between GZB/Ghaziabad Junction and ALJN/Aligarh Junction Ghaziabad to Aligarh Jn train ticket booking online on EaseMyTrip. Check Train From Ghaziabad to Aligarh Jn with ticket fare, timetable & seat availability. Find all information on Ghaziabad (GZB) to Aligarh (ALJN) trains including train timetable, route distance, train schedule, arrival & departure timings, running days & much more from Nativeplanet. NativePlanet provides you with an accurate and up-to-date information on Indian Railways. Aligarh - Delhi MEMU/64151 Train Time Table Departs @ 15:05 Arrives @ 17:18 Journey Time:2h 13m 15 halts halts India Rail Info is a Busy Junction for Travellers & Rail Enthusiasts. It also hosts a Centralized Database of Indian Railways Trains & Stations, and provides crowd-sourced IRCTC Train Enquiry Services. On the return journey, the Aligarh-Ghaziabad special train will depart from Aligarh at 1.25 PM and reach Ghaziabad at 3.40 PM the same day. (Representational image) Railways will run a special train between Ghaziabad and Aligarh for seven days from March 9 in view of the extra rush of passengers during Holi. Aligarh to Ghaziabad taxi booking for one-way Cab and roundtrip Cab Service fare starts at Rs. 9/km. Cab from Aligarh to Ghaziabad with BazarTaxi at the best price. +919457523803 There are 4 ways to get from Aligarh Jn to Ghāziābād by train, night train, taxi, or car. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner. The monsoon season in Aligarh starts from June and lasts till September, and it's not the best time to visit the city. The summers, too, which are from March-May, see a rise in temperature that ranges from 28 degrees to 48 degrees Celcius and might not be advisable for tourists to visit the city during the peak summertime. Holi Party Venues in Ghaziabad. Browse, shortlist and get best prices and packages from venues available to host your upcoming holi party. Take your pick from resorts, farmhouses, Varanasi, India Joined Holidify in October, 2022 23 trips booked through Holidify Status: Currently Active Since 2019, we’ve been organizing life changing travel escapades for our guests. The Wanderlog team is passionate about uncovering the best food spots, and we can't wait to share our favorites with you. So, grab your friends and family, and get ready to embark on a delicious journey through Ghaziabad's best restaurants! Ghaziabad to Aligarh taxi booking for one-way Cab and roundtrip Cab Service fare starts at Rs. 9/km. Cab from Ghaziabad to Aligarh with BazarTaxi at the best price. +919457523803 Known For : ISKCON Temple Ghaziabad Shipra Mall Drizzling Land Water and Amusement Park . Ghaziabad can be best described as the "Gateway to Uttar Pradesh". Given its proximity to the national capital, the social life of the rapidly developing town is intertwined with that of Delhi.

best option to go aligarh from ghaziabad on holi bengali holi video 2025
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